Episode 27: My Favorite Part of my College Experience: Making Friends

It’s a beautiful time  really,  at least in my own experience you meet these people in college who don’t  know you  at all and  you click like no  other.  You spend insane amounts  of  time with each other, maybe  you live together regardless you are with each other through some super hard, new, fun, crazy, unknown things, you pull all nighters in  the library during finals week, unknowingly change your major at the same time to the same thing multiple times, take care of each other or get  taken care of after wild nights, adventure with,  laugh with, cry with, I mean I have stories for days. 

It’s fascinating  to me, how  all of us came  from different places  and  end up in one spot in the entire   world together for  this  short  period of time before  you start the next chapter of your lives and end up in completely  different  places  again.  

The last few months have been endless moments of me  saying “this blows  my mind, I can’t believe that  we only met  in the  last 4 years” because I  feel like I’ve  lived an entire lifetime with these people. 

I  feel truly so blessed beyond words for  these amazing souls, and so freaking  grateful to  have them in my life. 


Personal Branding: Haley Hoffman Smith


Episode 26: When Land: Why living in when land isn't helping you get any closer to your goals