EP 28: 2022 New Year Reset: Goals, Vision Board, Words

What's up friends welcome to 20 something. I'm your host, Maddie. I'm your somewhat typical 20 Something girl who's just out here trying to navigate the crazy yet incredibly amazing years that are the 20s I'm sharing my journey, my experiences with the hopes make others feel a little less alone and a heck of a lot more confident. And it wouldn't be me if I didn't throw a little bit of entertainment in there also. So let's jump in. This is 20 something

happy frigging New Years, guys, it is officially 2022 Actually three days into 2022. That's so funny to say. How exciting. Welcome to the new year. If you are listening to this episode, you are probably like me and you love the exciting and refreshing resetting goals, setting vibes that come with the beginning of the new year. So hey, what's up, I think that we should always, you know, throughout the year and throughout our lives be open to growing and evaluating the goals that we set for ourselves, right. I also think that it's especially fun when you have the energy of the new year in the mix too. Because it just makes it feel like so much more exciting, right? Like there's so much newness, and it's like that point where you can completely reset.

So yeah, with that being said, I want to talk a little bit about what my new year reset is looking like kind of this year, my goal setting and whatnot, I am big into vision, boarding and stepping even more into really visualizing the life that I desire for myself. I invested some major time this year on this year's goals and vision board that I created. And there's a really healthy, I mean, I think at least a healthy balance of both personal and business goals. At the same time on my vision board and my goals for this year. I want to start by walking through kind of how I created my vision boards, vision board and my list of my goals for this year. I also want to note that even though we are three days into the new year, it's not too late to start. And if you're listening to this next week or way later, it's still not too late to start you guys, I am also a really big believer in not throwing away potential just because you didn't start when you wanted to or

step right into something, if that makes sense. I also believe that when we talk about setting goals for ourselves, it is important that we revisit and re evaluate those goals often because we're always going to be adding more to the list, right? It's a cycle achieving a goal and setting even more. I mean, that's the hope at least right? So for this year, I took a day, like literally an entire day, I gave myself the entire day where I had nothing else to do, there was nothing else it was a priority for me to complete and just invested the whole entire day to creating my goals and my vision board. So the first thing and doing so was creating the space for myself, I was doing this in my bedroom. So whatever space that might be for you creating that space. And for me, that meant cleaning this space and making it so I felt creative and excited and not distracted. You know, that was another really big thing. I put away all distractions because I wanted to be super, super, super intentional with this time that I was putting in to myself really like it was an investment in time for myself because I'm setting the goals for myself and for my business. So cleaning that space and removing all distractions and all things that have the potential to be a distraction, and just really investing that time into that space.

So I cleaned and then because I wanted to be so intentional with things and with what I was putting on the vision board and with all of the goals that I was making. For myself, I started just writing out a list. You can you know, put it on pen and paper if you have a journal that you want that in, I did it in the good notes app on my iPad, because I started like a fun little like 2022 notebook slash journal there and it's for things that I don't necessarily want in my journal. I have like a gratitude journal and then I have a journal journal and then I have my journal on my iPad. And I have so many because I put certain things in certain journals and it's just the way my

mind works. And so I have a process. And so that's what I did. I wrote it all out in the GoodNotes app on my iPad. And when I was doing this, I revisited the list in, like last November on 1111. I heard from Haley Hoffman Smith, if you don't know who she is, go check her out. She's one of my favorite people ever. She did 111 wishes for Nov. 11, you know, 1111. And so I started doing that I didn't quite get to 111. But I started just writing out manifestations for my life, you know, whether they were big or small, short term, long term. So I looked at that as I was putting my list for 2022 together. And also just brain dump, like anything that came to mind that I wanted to do places I wanted to visit goals that I had for my business goals that I had for myself, different ways. I wanted to feel people I wanted to meet relationships that I wanted to have things that I wanted to create. So I had a page of just brain dumps from every aspect of my life. Like I said, personal goals, business goals, podcast goals. If I wanted it, I put it on this list. And I just listed everything out. And then when I felt good about that list, and I felt like it covered everything, I grabbed my computer and I got onto the trustee app of Pinterest.

And there I found one picture that represented each item, there's a few items on my vision board that have multiple pictures, because like I was just so excited about it. But yeah, I found a picture that represented each item on that list. And I saved it into a folder on my computer, titled that item on the list. So if there was something about, you know, moving my body every day, and I happen to use a picture of the gym, or whatever, I

put that picture and titled it, I want to feel this way or whatever. So everything had a picture. So I was visualizing all of it right.

Then I took all of those pictures, and I uploaded them all on to Canva and created a collage of literally every single one of those photos on my list, I resize that collage, so it could fit on my phone wallpaper, I made a version of a computer wallpaper, it's on my iPad, it's on a little widget on my phone. It's literally everywhere. I want to be seeing it everywhere I look. And I want to be reminded of what I'm working towards and the things that I want and the goals that I have. So I'm constantly working towards them, I, the next step would be to like get it printed off. And I haven't done that yet. But I want to and I want to hang it up in my bedroom or in my closet, which sounds kind of weird, but I have like a walk in closet. So I'm obviously in there everyday getting close. So that's a spot that I'd be in everyday where I could see it all the time. Or by my desk, I'm like looking around my room, as I'm recording this being like more what I want to hang it up. I want to see it all the time.

So yeah, that would be the next step. So for me really visualizing it and seeing those things everywhere to just be reminded of that and be conscious of those goals. So I also think the cool thing about vision boards is that it's really cool to be able to come back to those things and see what you've accomplished look and be like, Oh my god, I wanted that so badly. And I did it, I have it, I went there, I worked with that person, you know, it's just really cool to be able to see. So having it as a way to like reevaluate, like looking and checking those things off your list. And adding more to them is really freaking cool. Beyond just putting these goals onto a vision board and writing them out. I also invite you to take it another step further by making actionable steps for all these goals. So really thinking about what you need to do in order to make these goals happen. My friend, Shay, with Montana diaries talks about working backwards, and I love that idea. So I talked about it in a podcast last year too. One of my goals in business this year is to make six figures. So an example of working backwards on that is thinking about like okay, if by the end of the year this whole year overall, I want to make six figures, how much do I need to make per month, right? And then even more into that, like how many photoshoots? Would that be each month? How many shoots do I have to bug each month in order to be making that six figure a year mark and then working towards making that happen? Right? So actionable steps of really making these goals come to life.

Another couple things that I love to do at the New Year is think about words or themes that I'm choosing for that year. So this year, my words slash themes, I guess you could say our purpose, community and gratitude. So to like go even deeper into that everything I'm doing this year has a purpose or an intention by

handed him a vision board is a perfect example of this, I don't have a goal that says I'm going to the gym every day, because I want to get fit. And I have a rocking bog. I mean, of course I want that. But instead of saying it like that, I have a goal of moving my body every day because I want to feel good, I want to be healthy. I want to live a healthy life and take care of myself and this amazing body that I have. So there's more of an intention and a purpose behind it. It's not just surface level, if that makes sense. I also want to grow and create community. So that means creating that space with my high school senior girls, it means creating events and spaces with other creative entrepreneurs. That means creating more of an online community through this podcast. I crave community and I know that others do. So I want to create an encourage more of that this year, because I want to serve myself and everyone around me. I want to have creative support groups, who are these people, small businesses, creative entrepreneurs, who are encouraging and supporting one another who can come together and think business together and create goals together, I want high school senior girls to have people to look at as friends who they may not have had the opportunity to be friends with had they not been in a cool community, I want them to be able to feel supported and loved. And my ultimate thing with it is I want every single person in this world to feel like they have a space and to feel like they belong and to feel like they belong to a community and they have that support. And so that's really important to me. And that's something that I want to create in all different aspects of my life this year.

As for gratitude, I want to prioritize expressing that so much more. And honestly being a little more strict with my writing out my daily gratitude every day, because it's something that is really important to me, I really value people who show gratitude, and I really, I love, like, I get so cheesy about it. But I get so overwhelmingly grateful for my people and different things in my life. And being more upfront about that and

honest about the things I'm grateful for. And just showing that more to myself and those around me, I think that that's something that can also spill into other people, you know, it can teach all of us to be grateful and continue spreading more gratitude. So yeah, gratitude is another big, big word, you know, it's really important to me. So, to reiterate this system, for my vision board, you know, that was like a whole 10 minutes ago, not really. But to just kind of circle back to that I, the process, the system for that, for me was to create the space, make the list, find photos that represent each items on that list, add each picture to the collage on Canva, and then put that collage all over the place. So I'm constantly seeing it and constantly being reminded of it.

I pick those words and those themes. And I give myself grace to know and trust that I'm choosing every single day what is best for me and not to beat myself up and not to throw it all away if I don't do it perfectly. And if you feel like you need that permission to do the same and be the same way. This is your permission. Consider this permission for giving yourself that grace and being graceful with yourself in creating these new habits and these new ideas and rituals for you. Alright friends, that is it for the day. I'm wrapping it up and putting a end on it right there for today's podcast episode.

If you want to see my vision board, head on over to my Instagram, I will link that in the show notes. I'm sharing my vision board over there and you know just the process of how I did it over there too.

You can also subscribe to my email list that is on my website which is also linked in the show notes. You know get on my email list. If you want to be the first to know about all the fun and exciting things happening in my business when new podcast episodes are coming out and just any of the other goods that I decided to share I have so many exciting things that I'm excited for this year. So super stoked to be sharing those and the email list is usually the first place that hears about that. Also if you want to leave a review and rate the podcast that is always so so so much appreciated.

And lastly, I really do want to hear about your goals too. What is 2022 looking like for you Have you created a vision board? Share it with me

I want to see it so go message me on Instagram let's talk goals and exciting things for this year I am sending so much love to each of you and I will talk to you next week bye


Why I started giving my high school senior and personal branding clients galleries of 100+ images


Personal Branding: Haley Hoffman Smith