Why I started giving my high school senior and personal branding clients galleries of 100+ images

Yup you read that right, both my personal branding as well as high school senior clients get a gallery of around 100 images from each session and I am going to let you in on a few reasons why!

  1. First of all, I freekinig LOVE variety. On the opposite end of the camera, I truly hate feeling like I only have a few photos from a session I was at for two + hours and as a photographer we cover a lot in two hours sooo how can I expect you to look through all of these beautiful photos and expect you to be happy with only getting to keep a few?! I want them all, and after much discussion with past clients, they want them all too! So why not give it. 

  2. We have different eyes, what I love may not always be the same as what you love, and your favorite photo from a session will sometimes be a surprise to the photographer ( it’s not because we think that image is bad).

  3. I want your experience with me to feel like it’s “all inclusive” meaning you aren’t paying a fee upfront and then having all of these other fees later on because you wanted more images. I am very transparent from the start when you book with me you know my print pricing as well as travel fees! 


  • I want you to have enough photos to last you an entire quarter of marketing online, that’s three months. The goal is to make your life easier, do one big shoot a quarter and have your photo + video marketing needs taken care of. Upload your photos to an app like plainly, batch your content, and you are good to go. 


  • this is a huge moment in you and your parents' life. I’m not putting you in a studio and taking a headshot then sending you on your way.. The goal here for you is to create an adventure, go somewhere you love and capture that experience. You, in that element being yourself and having a good time. You hire me to document your senior experience, so I don’t want to force you to only have certain moments from that experience. 


EP 29: Post College: What to do & Chasing those Dreams


EP 28: 2022 New Year Reset: Goals, Vision Board, Words